The ministry of John & Bron Fergusson
© JF Ministries, Auckland, New Zealand

Heal the Sick!

Jesus commanded ALL his disciples to heal the sick. But we can’t! That is both the problem and the point! Healing is supernatural - half super and half natural. We need Jesus, but he also needs us. Clear, Biblical and practical this shows how Christian believers can and should heal the sick. It’s our job description! 175 pages.


Exciting aids to help you extend the Kingdom of God

(Prices in NZ$. Shipping for New Zealand only. If you live elsewhere, order from Amazon or email us.)

Ministry and Prayer

are different!

If you do what it says, people WILL be healed! Free pdf download Portuguese version

Heal the Sick!

A full teaching on healing including great testimonies. Also available on Amazon and Kindle
MAKE YOUR OWN! Sharron: My husband and I have found this wonderful system has provoked a lot more in-depth, meaningful discussion. If we want to hear God’s voice, we need to read His word.

Rainbow Bible Guide

A revolutionary system to transform your personal Bible study! The Bible has 7 types of literature, there are 7 days of the week, and 7 colours of the rainbow! So you read from a different part of the Bible each day, using coloured ribbons.
$10.00 each
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Published Oct 2019

This message has changed lives and ministries. Don’t live with boring church any longer! Also on Amazon and Kindle.

The Seven Seals of the Holy Spirit

“Enough supernatural weaponry to scare us back to Biblical normality!” You were sealed by the Spirit. Why? God has much more in store for us than a promise of eternity. His seven seals will inspire you to grab faith by the shoulders and fulfil his purpose for you and his kingdom. More

School of Healing Manual, 4th Edition

This has changed the way people minister to the sick, with tens of thousands healed. New edition completely rewritten, including a new chapter, updated teaching and Scriptures. Bible-based, practical, & clear, includes lists of healing and root cause Scriptures. 52 pages. More

The Concept

Solomon died in his bed, but within weeks Israel divided, four years later Egypt invaded, and Irael descended towards exile. Why?

King Solomon’s Deadly Legacy

A British scientist travels to the time of King Solomon of Israel and discovers our world is making the same mistakes as Solomon, heading for the same outcomes. A brilliant page-turner with a strong Christian message.” “Had to stay up late to finish.” More

Could you survive as a slave?

Seeking to help orphans in Hebron, British teenager Ruby Archer finds herself transported to the time of David of Israel. Enslaved by the despicable Nabal, she must obey his every whim. When her attempt to return to the present fails, Nabal’s beautiful wife Abigail rescues her, but Ruby must embrace the violent culture to survive. And will Ruby ever make it home? “Absolutely loved it! When’s the next one?” “You’re a great story-teller!” Paperback on Amazon $14.95 Ebook on Amazon $6.89

Last chance to buy in New Zealand

 JF Ministries
John & Bron Fergusson


Exciting aids to help you

extend the Kingdom of God

(Prices in NZ$. Shipping for New Zealand only. If you live elsewhere, order from Amazon or email us.)

Rainbow Bible Guide (more)

A revolutionary system to transform your personal Bible study. Our best seller! Make your own guide!
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The Seven Seals of the Holy Spirit

“Enough supernatural weaponry to scare us back to Biblical normality!” You were sealed by the Spirit. Why? God has much more in store for us than a promise of eternity. His seven seals will inspire you to grab faith by the shoulders and fulfil his purpose for you and his kingdom. More

School of Healing Manual, 4th Edition

This has changed the way people minister to the sick, with tens of thousands healed. Completely rewritten, including a new chapter, updated teaching and Scriptures. Bible-based, practical, clear, with space for notes and lists of healing and root cause Scriptures. 52 pages.

Heal the Sick!

Jesus commanded ALL his disciples to heal the sick. But we can’t! That is both the problem and the point! Healing is supernatural - half super and half natural. We need Jesus, but he also needs us. Clear, Biblical and practical this shows how Christian believers can and should heal the sick. It’s our job description! 175 pages. Also on Amazon and Kindle.

King Solomon’s Deadly Legacy

A British scientist travels to the time of King Solomon of Israel and discovers our world is making the same mistakes as Solomon, heading for the same outcomes. A brilliant page-turner with a strong Christian message.”

The Concept

Solomon died in his bed, but within weeks Israel divided, four years later Egypt invaded, and Irael descended towards exile. Why?

Could you survive as a slave?

Seeking to help orphans in Hebron, British teenager Ruby Archer finds herself transported to the time of David of Israel. Enslaved by the despicable Nabal, she must obey his every whim. When her attempt to return to the present fails, Nabal’s beautiful wife Abigail rescues her, but Ruby must embrace the violent culture to survive. And will Ruby ever make it home? “Absolutely loved it! When’s the next one?” “You’re a great story-teller!” Paperback on Amazon US$14.95 Ebook on Amazon US$5.99

Last chance to buy in New Zealand
