The ministry of John & Bron Fergusson
© JF Ministries, Auckland, New Zealand
Driving me back from the Christchurch School of Healing on 16th of February, 2020, my hostess, Brienne Davies, stopped by a rest home. Her friend Di’s mother, Bron, had an ulcerated foot which wasn’t healing, and the doctors said last year it would kill her. They initially planned an amputation, but felt she would not survive the surgery. They expected her to die before Christmas. We parked in the attractive grounds of the home and negotiated long corridors to her room. Bron was cheerful enough, but bed-ridden and frail. She also had neck issues from a previous accident, diabetes, and had suffered multiple heart attacks. We anointed her with oil and spoke to each area of concern, commanding healing in the name of Jesus. After some minutes we left to catch my flight. I received an email from Brienne on 11th April. “Bron is still with us. The ulcer on her foot has completely healed and filled in. The medical staff cannot explain it. “Yesterday Di rang me. Her Mum has been doing increasingly well, although hard with the complete lockdown, which is difficult for the family who were steeling themselves for her imminent death. “Now they just take one day at a time, alternating visits, and thinking of Bron in care, rather than palliative. This week she was able to get up and walk down the hallway on a walker with staff assistance. Incredible for a woman facing amputation and certain death months ago. Praise God! “Only he knows the future, but in the meantime, we give thanks for his goodness.”

Leg ulcer healed

 JF Ministries
John & Bron Fergusson
Driving me back from the Christchurch School of Healing on 16th of February, 2020, my hostess, Brienne Davies, stopped by a rest home. Her friend Di’s mother, Bron, had an ulcerated foot which wasn’t healing, and the doctors said last year it would kill her. They initially planned an amputation, but felt she would not survive the surgery. They expected her to die before Christmas. We parked in the attractive grounds of the home and negotiated long corridors to her room. Bron was cheerful enough, but bed-ridden and frail. She also had neck issues from a previous accident, diabetes, and had suffered multiple heart attacks. We anointed her with oil and spoke to each area of concern, commanding healing in the name of Jesus. After some minutes we left to catch my flight. I received an email from Brienne on 11th April. “Bron is still with us. The ulcer on her foot has completely healed and filled in. The medical staff cannot explain it. “Yesterday Di rang me. Her Mum has been doing increasingly well, although hard with the complete lockdown, which is difficult for the family who were steeling themselves for her imminent death. “Now they just take one day at a time, alternating visits, and thinking of Bron in care, rather than palliative. This week she was able to get up and walk down the hallway on a walker with staff assistance. Incredible for a woman facing amputation and certain death months ago. Praise God! “Only he knows the future, but in the meantime, we give thanks for his goodness.”

Leg ulcer healed